My mom had an ultrasound the other day. My sister (Sarah, 20) went along on this appointment because we were supposed to find out the gender. My sister and I stood there in a dark room staring at a grainy image on the ultrasound monitor, trying to figure out what the heck we were looking at. The little "wand" thing was making nasty "sloshing" noises (the sound was like a tongue and spit wiggling around in a mouth) on the gel on my mom's stomach. I thought it was only me that was getting sick hearing the sound of it but, I looked up at Sarah and her face was showing her disgust.
The technician was going through each body part, "left femur is (measurement) long"... "here is the right kidney..." Every bone and almost every organ labeled and measured. The image was so unclear- the only thing I could recognize was a hand, a foot, and the outline of a head. It was a long... almost irritating process. I just wanted to say, "Is it all there?... Good, now, girl or boy?"
Then, I got to thinking; do I really care if it is all there? Not to sound insensitive or anything but- the fact that the baby does or does not have all four limbs will not make me love it any less, or any more. A healthy normal baby would be great; but a baby in general is just a blessing in itself. A couple of scary words were thrown around during the appointment like "down's syndrome" and "cystic fibrosis." We can only pray that these things don't happen but- if they do, then, it is a part of God's plan. He knows what He is doing.
Lighter notes:
Sarah: "Well, I got really excited because I thought I saw the belly button a couple times... until I realized he doesn't have a belly button yet."
Sarah: (whispers to me)... "How does he breath?"
My mom: "Gills, Sarah, he has gills"
P.S. Our modest little baby wouldn't let us see which gender he or she is...
Love to all!
Ten Years Home
5 years ago