Monday, December 14, 2009

WWII journal entry 2

September 20, 1942
"My number was called today. I am going to war. It's been almost a year since the attack on Pearl Harbor. I haven't been able to get a job here. No one will hire an able-bodied young man who is eligible for the draft. They don't want to train someone who is going to be sent off to war. Because of that I was going to sign up soon anyway.
The draft: They announce a certain date over the radio, if that date is your birthday then you must report to the nearest recruiting office.
June 15th was called today; tomorrow I report to the recruiting office.
Mom cried and hugged me as often as I'd let her.

Soon I'll be geared up, trained, and ready to fight. I've looked forward to this day since last December. Now, I can't imagine leaving home- to kill other men who believe they are defending their home.

Jack Albine"

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Oh, Just a little late!

I really should have posted this at Thanksgiving!! But, I didn't think of it until I read someone else's list on their blog and thought, "Psh! My is better than theirs! I taught the teen girls in Sunday School the Sunday before Thanksgiving and in an effort to please the youth pastor's wife I did something "with being thankful!"
I gave the girls a limited amount of time to fill in a list of 25 things they were thankful for. The first five I filled in for them (aren't I nice!) They had to use one or two word answers and could not use a list of proper names either. Here is my list...

1. Salvation
2. The Bible
3. Our Church
4. Family/Home
5. Food

6. Job
7. Health
8. Mental Health
9. Friends
10. Christian upbringing
11. George (my cat) ... notice the order of these two...
12. Jonathan (my boyfriend)
13. Financial security
14. The youth group (of which I am a leader and not a member, thank you)
15. New days
16. Forgiveness
17. Memories
18. America
19. Freedom
20. Opportunities
21. My calling
22. That I'm not ugly (yes this is more than 2 wds, sorry)
23. Answered prayers
24. Soap
25. Internet
26. The color Green
27. Ross/Kohls
28. Music

I know 28 is an odd number to end at, but- I only had a certain amount of time!

Hope you all take time to think about these things we take for granted every day and Thank God for them.

Love to all!

Monday, December 7, 2009

December 7, 1941

It is December 7th the 68th anniversary of the bombings on Pearl Harbor. In honor of this day (and an effort to use some long forgotten school assignments) I am posting a fictional journal entry I wrote as part of a creative writing assignment in college.
From the journal of Jack Carter Albine, December 8th, 1941

"The President said it best, 'This day will live in infamy.' December 7, 1941, Sunday morning, just minutes before 8 o'clock, the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The newspaper today held Christmas shopping items, pages and pages of gifts. There will be no Christmas for the men in those four sunken battleships and I dare say Christmas will not be the same for their families either.

We were listening to the radio. Mom cried silently as she rocked Elsie, my baby sister, back and forth in her rocking chair. Dad stopped reading the paper, chewed on the end of his pencil and scratched the back of his head. None of us knew really what to do or say.

The bombing lasted 2 hours and left our majestic Pearl Harbor in ruins. Today, America declared war on Japan. Churchill pledged to join us in that war. That attack has only awoken a sleeping giant. America has shed it's isolation and is preparing to fight.

We will Emerge victorious!
Jack Carter Albine, December 8, 1941

I will post a few more of his journal entries in the next few days/weeks. Hope you all enjoy it.
Love to all!