There is a movie with Anne Hathaway starring as Jane Austen called Becoming Jane. I saw it and liked it if only because I love Jane Austen and it is a sappy love story.
But, I have watched three of Jane’s books made into movies today and now am on a fictional rendition of her life. I am thinking in Victorian English and I won’t be surprised if this blog ends up sounding a bit “Jane-ish”
Anyway, my reason for explaining all of this is… I can see myself becoming somewhat like Jane Austen. She was single her whole life, took care of her sister (who was also unmarried) and her widowed mother until Jane died at 41. She wrote a series of vastly popular novels about love and marriage. Some of them were not published until after her death. She was a woman and in her day women did not get published and those who did were at times considered a bit shameful.
I know, I am only 23. I am not even close to being an old maid, and much further away from being a vastly popular author. (I don’t see this blog bringing me any closer to the latter and much nearer to the former) But, like Jane I prefer my imaginary heroes, the men in my books, much more than men in real life. “The only way to get a Mr. Darcy is to make him up yourself” I am dreaming of Mr. Darcy but only finding “Mr E’s” (read Pride and Prejudice and Emma to figure out the analogy)
As it seems from this movie, “Jane Austen Regrets” many men are in love with her wit and charm but she turns them all away or they get tired of chasing her and find someone else to love. One day she wakes up and find herself old, still loving men in reality but preferring those in her books. But, she is 40 and she doesn’t know that she is going to die soon.
I may end up like this. Never satisfied with the ones I find and therefore making up my own and being more pleased with them. Happiness in marriage only happening in my books and never for me personally.
Newest fear, Becoming Jane
Love to all!
Ten Years Home
5 years ago
I loved "Jane Austen Regrets". I liked it better than "Becoming Jane".
I totally relate to what you're saying. I'm a Jane Austen too, although I don't even pretend to like real men. I actually want to be an old maid.
This is an intensely honest entry...
why? can you concur at all? (from the opposite side of course)
Ah... Jane Austen. I settled for just watching the movie Pride and Prejudice (I did it for Steph). What is it about that story? I had to keep pausing the movie every ten minutes and ask steph "Ok, what's happening in this movie so far?" I couldn't really follow it. Oh well. Anyway, remember what we talked about; you have the awesome oppurtunity to travel the world right now. You're living an adventure that many a man (and woman) would trade anything to live. Maybe along the way you'll find "the one", but hey, enjoy what you got right now before it's gone! Don't be "in distress". Have fun on your trip by the way; we'll be praying here at home.
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