Thursday, November 19, 2009

Ugly, Ugly Gaps

So! How does everyone like my new layout and design??? I think its rather pretty :)

Our youth pastor preached last night to the entire congregation about prayer in an unconventional manner.
He began showing pictures of young children missing teeth, then hockey players missing teeth the old men and women in third world countries with gaps and decay.
He looked up the word "cease" in his Bible dictionary and one of the definitions is "a space or a gap." So, he determined that we should be "praying without gaps." Praying once a day is like missing your front teeth. Looking at those pictures made me assess my prayer life.

I used to have conversations with God every time I was in the car alone. Now, I keep hitting the power button on the radio and singing away.
I used to write in my prayer journal daily, I almost couldn't sleep without filling a page of thoughts and concerns. Now, I just set my alarm- and sleep; never thinking twice about it.
Lately, I have often found myself saying "I'll keep you in my prayer" knowing my conscience is saying- "Fat Chance!"

My prayer life is missing its front teeth. WE HAVE A GAP! I'll be working on that.

Now, How ugly is your prayer life???

Love to all!

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