September 20, 1942
"My number was called today. I am going to war. It's been almost a year since the attack on Pearl Harbor. I haven't been able to get a job here. No one will hire an able-bodied young man who is eligible for the draft. They don't want to train someone who is going to be sent off to war. Because of that I was going to sign up soon anyway.
The draft: They announce a certain date over the radio, if that date is your birthday then you must report to the nearest recruiting office.
June 15th was called today; tomorrow I report to the recruiting office.
Mom cried and hugged me as often as I'd let her.
Soon I'll be geared up, trained, and ready to fight. I've looked forward to this day since last December. Now, I can't imagine leaving home- to kill other men who believe they are defending their home.
Jack Albine"
Ten Years Home
5 years ago